Not Your Average Investor Show

Why Investors Everywhere Are Trying To Own Jacksonville Properties (and You Should Too) w/ Gregg Cohen from JWB Real Estate Capital

Gregg Cohen / Pablo Gonzalez

It's easy to identify hot markets in real estate, and those who invest in them can create massive changes in their financial futures. But hot markets usually come with high prices.

This makes the hot market strategy a game for the already rich to get richer.

That's why the rare moment when a blazing hot market is still underpriced needs to be shared with the GRE community as urgently and loudly as possible!

While Keith Weinhold has been recommending Jacksonville as a prime investment market for years, his team has been talking to his old friend, Gregg Cohen (co-founder of JWB Real Estate Capital), about the powder keg that's about to explode real estate prices in Jacksonville, FL.

It turns out that Jacksonville's best days are still ahead of it, AND it's still a shockingly affordable market to get into!

So, GRE invited Gregg to host a webinar, exclusive to the GRE community, to educate and arm you with knowledge like:

- what makes JAX such a hot market (eye-popping stats)
- why it’s only getting better (insider info)
- how to pick up a cash-flowing JAX rental property in under 30 days (no matter where you live)
- and more!

Gregg Cohen and his team are longtime partners of GRE. They founded JWB Real Estate Capital 18 years ago, and since then, they’ve built a fully vertically integrated turnkey rental property investing company with over 125 employees, managing 6,000 homes, and owning 20 city blocks of downtown Jacksonville.

There is no one more qualified to give you the inside scoop in one of the US's most attractive rental markets.

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Pablo Gonzalez:

welcome, welcome, welcome everybody to a very special edition of the Not Your Average Investor Show. What I mean by that is that This is a special episode for the get rich education community and you get to meet our community. We have our own podcast called the not your average investor show. We are big fans of get rich education and Keith Weinhold. I guess you and Keith have been friends for a long time, right? You see Keith and

Gregg Cohen:

I go way back. We got introduced to him through a mutual friend. I don't know, maybe five, 10 years ago, somewhere in the midst there. And, instantly just hit it off. He's a wonderful, wonderful educator. One of the best real estate educators in the space. I'm sure the get rich education community knows and loves the podcast. Like our community does as well. And so we're just excited to do more and more and more. I, you know, we have many, many mutual clients. I was looking it up over 50 homes sold to get rich education clients through JWB. That's over 10 million in real estate that we've been able to help clients. Acquire and then of course grow that wealth with JWB's help. So Super strong partnership and just really excited to, to welcome everybody from GRE today.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Love it. So if you are here from GRE checking in the chat, we'd love to, we'd love to see your name and, and where you're from. You will notice that this is going to be a different experience, right? Because we do this live show every single week. We have a lively community. We've got a couple traditions. So we're going to start it off with one and then we're going to go with the next one. The first one is the intro, which is I'm your host, Pablo Gonzalez with me as always is the man that I affectionately like to call GC because he's got the genius concepts because he knows how to generate cashflow because he's a great co host and because his name is Greg Cohen. Say hello, Greg. Hello, everybody. Fantastic to be with you. And we have a second tradition of those of you acknowledging you who check in, in the chat. Do you know what that tradition is called? I and it's always kicked off by. Mr. MVP of the Natural Average Investor Community. You know who he is? Mr. Lee Bishop. Everybody knows Lee Bishop. We got our community manager, Joanna, who's in the chat. She can help you if you have any questions, if this is your first time here. We got the ringmaster of the Natural Average Investor Community, Drew Barnett. Drew Barnett, he'll check it in. We got Big Papa in the house. I love it when he calls it Big Papa. Pops, how are you, my man? The co founder of the co founder of JWB, Greg's dad. Is a fan of the show. Go figure. We love him, too. We got the patron Santorio's Northern Virginia Michael Santorio's and who else and we got our our favorite smile from the pacific northwest Pamela Myers, thanks for making time to join us on a thursday pamela and charity gram Of course another one of our charity is here all the charity is showing up

Gregg Cohen:

super appreciated.

Pablo Gonzalez:


Gregg Cohen:


Pablo Gonzalez:

super appreciated charity and we got michael phillips From Wasilla, Alaska. That guy's got to be friends with Keith over there, right? Absolutely. They're out, you know,

Gregg Cohen:

cross country

Pablo Gonzalez:

skiing right

Gregg Cohen:


Pablo Gonzalez:

How many Alaskans are there? You all know each other, right? Daniel. Daniel Martinik from Nathrop, Colorado. I've not heard of Nathrop.

Gregg Cohen:

Daniel. Fantastic. Happy

Pablo Gonzalez:

to have you here. We got a, we got a strong contingency community that's out there. Out there in Colorado. I can think of Leslie Wilson. I can think of the mountain man of Billy Green. Billy Green. Yeah, we got a bunch of folks out in Colorado. Misty and Misty Johnson. Misty and Troy Johnson. Yeah, so you know, if you show up. We do this show every Tuesdays at 12 30. We do it live, 12 30 Eastern, 9 30 Pacific. Alaska time. I don't know what that is. But, um, you know, we do it. So if you want to make time, it's around, it's the same exact time. But on Tuesdays, so, you know, you'll, you'll find out about it. You'll get to show up. If you like the experience, you know, you're going to put a friend in the chat. We are a lively community that hosts inside jokes. But we're also very, very welcoming. So feel free to interact in the chat with anybody that's here that has already checked in and has a nickname. You can assume that they're a regular in the community and they're more than willing to be your friend and answer any questions, but today the big question. And the reason why Keith and team invited us to host this webinar special edition live show for you is. Doesn't it feel like by the time you find out about a really hot real estate market is two lanes, right? It does feel that way, right? That's a question, but here's the deal. We want to talk to you about a real estate market that is hotter than molten lava. And, and it's not too late, right? It is just right now hitting this like pace that's about to increase. And it also happens to be a place where investors from all over the world have found it easy to invest in thanks to what Greg and his team here at JWB have created. So for those of you who are not. Familiar with Greg. I don't technically work for him. I'm just a show host here and we've become really, really good buddies and I've become a real estate investor. Thanks to my buddy here. And thanks to our friends in the community, but JWB real estate capital is a company that's been around for 18 plus years. All right. I'm not the numbers guy on the shelf, just so everybody knows, right? Let's just establish that. So you'll correct. You got that one, right? You'll correct me. You'll correct me. But they've been around for 18 plus years. You've built a team of 120 plus people that manage over a billion dollars in real estate assets that includes 6, 000 single family homes for over 1, 700 investors that may or may not have ever even been to that property.

Gregg Cohen:

That is true. Right. You nailed every one of those numbers. Congratulations, buddy. Five years in. You had like a Will Ferrell like blackout moment there.

Pablo Gonzalez:

You know what it is, is I was just doing a little bit of writing about it and I, I actually wrote that for the next guest webinar that we're doing. So full transparency, I write a lot about this stuff. But that being said, the mission has been make it easy for people to invest in rental properties. And you've made it so easy, GC, that you've been featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal a couple of times. You've run like Ernst Young, Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and you get featured in like Best Places to Work all the time. You want to just kind of give them a little bit of, what did I miss there?

Gregg Cohen:

Well, I mean, thank you for, for, you know, helping everybody understand that. You know what, we kind of know a little bit about real estate investing. I think the, the, the bigger thing than some of those nice accolades and certainly the size of the team is something that is a differentiator for JWB. The biggest differentiator is I'm one of you, I'm a real estate investor. I've been putting my own money into single family rental properties for 18 years here in the Jacksonville market. I've been able to have a lot of success, but more importantly, been able to help over 1700 JWB clients grow their real estate portfolio. And most of them would never ever call themselves real estate investors, to be quite honest.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah, true. That wasn't me.

Gregg Cohen:

We've been able to pioneer this way for everyday people to take advantage of this beautiful asset class and to do it passively. And, you know, we, we do manage over 1. 3 billion in real estate assets. And specifically, we've generated over 300 million in profits for our clients. And some of those profits, some of those clients are right here on the show right now and of course working with GRE, I think our mindset, I know in talking with Keith, often like I do, we talk about things like the five profit centers. We talk about how important population growth is. We talk about the dynamics of why real estate is so, so successful. So it's just a beautiful collaboration with the GRE community. And something that I know that we can help you grow your portfolio. If that's something you're interested in.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah, cool. And just so you know, like I'm, I'm active in the chat along with the rest of the investors. That's me chatting in there. Greg is too important to this conversation to, to like have his mindset divested in here. So, but. We're very interactive with it, right? So if you have like a question put it in the Q and a, and we can get to it. If you just want to interact and make a friend, I see, I see Drew and Lee and Pam already, you know, jumping in there and everybody that checked in they're all super savvy investors that have invested with JWB don't work for JWB and are happy to give you their opinion on that stuff. But that's not why you're here, right? You're here because We told you that there is a, a really great market to invest in that is hot as heck and getting hotter, right? And that market is Jacksonville, Florida, which happens to be where we are right now, where I own five properties, where Greg owns 400 properties. And the rest of the folks here do. And there what we are here to do is just share some like insider knowledge on it essentially but I think the first thing to to talk about that isn't necessarily insider knowledge. It's just like under reported knowledge is the idea that most people when they go to invest in rental properties, they kind of get the order of operations wrong, right? Like when, when you are buying a rental property as a passive investor, you know, you're going to buy it once and hopefully own it for the next 30 years. And your family's going to own it after that and all that stuff. And folks kind of spend 90 percent to 99 percent of the time looking for a property. And then they're just like, okay, who's going to manage this thing? And the market is just kind of this like, other equation of just like, it's just because somebody told me that they have a property for me in this market, or it's because I live here or something like that. But if you really think about it. The best way to do this based on the fact that you're going to own this for a long time is to find that teammate that's going to manage the property for 30 years for you, that you can really, really trust, make it passive for you. And once you can understand what that looks like, you look into markets. that have these types of teammates and the market is really, really important, right? Because your property is only going to appreciate at the rate of the local market and maybe, and, and that's the, that's the standard deviation that where it starts from, right? Like then there's other things that the team can do to ramp that up or down, but it's going to be pegged to that. And we know that the majority of wealth is built on that. Off of home price appreciation. And if you have the right team in the right market, the property is pretty easy to find GC, right?

Gregg Cohen:

Yeah, absolutely. It's, it's a way to kind of ride the path of, we talk about the path of progress, right? It's kind of a way to just identify the path of progress and then jump on that wave. It's an easier way for you to be able to understand how you're going to earn your rate of return. The size of the profitability, and what most investors don't understand is that there are time tested, easy ways to identify which markets are positioned for growth more than others. And that's the missing piece, and that's one thing that I hope that we can share today, especially for those who aren't so familiar with the Jacksonville market.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Let's do it. G. C. We are super pumped to talk to you about and give you all the insider information that we know here. Well, you know, 1 thing that I didn't mention is that apart from, you know, managing a billion dollars of assets and 6, 000 properties here to 1700 investors. You and the team have purchased 20 city blocks of downtown Jacksonville and are actively developing that. So there really isn't anybody with more insider knowledge and data than the team here at JWB in the Jacksonville market. And that's what we want to share with you in this Jack Rehabilitate Market Report. It just kind of like puts you on to this idea of like hot tip, right? That being said, there's going to be some really cool data in this report. And if you want it, all you got to do is text here at 904 293 0341. That's 904 293 0341. I'll put it in the chat in a second, or maybe Joanna, you can help me out, but you're going to text here personally. And it's, it's really interesting how you guys have done this, but you've essentially turned this data flywheel that you have here as a resource for everybody else. And Tara is kind of like the keeper of that, right? Like if you can text her for the slides, let her know that you want the slides from this presentation, because she gets texts all the time because you can also text her just about any other question that you have in real estate investing in the Jacksonville market in rental properties, and she's going to get back to you based on the expert knowledge of the team, right?

Gregg Cohen:

A hundred percent. Think of her as a resource. If you're somebody that about investing versus another really hard to compare apples to apples. So think of Tierra, think of JWB as a resource. We can sit down and compare those numbers apples to apples. You'll see in this report when you do request the slides, there's a lot of really important information on multiple markets. And we can do that for you, which in whatever market you're considering about investing in. So make sure to use, use that resource. It's certainly something that can help you.

Pablo Gonzalez:

The smartest investors use this resource as I'm looking at this property, send her the deal sheet and let her know. Right. So happy to do that too. And we'll even make a, we'll make a show about it. if it's good, if it's a good deal, or especially if it's a bad deal. All right. Well, that let's get into a GC. The actual market's got some pretty eyeopening stats, my friend.

Gregg Cohen:

It does. And, you know, for 18 years, I have been evangelizing Jacksonville and I've been putting my own money into the Jacksonville market and clearly beyond just the you know, the love that I live in. I am a real data nerd. And so I'm constantly looking for something where, you know, people will say, Greg, you know, listen, you're clearly biased, you love Jacksonville. So clearly you're going to think it's the best market. So I'm looking to get one step ahead of that. And I've found that data is the best resource to do that. As I mentioned, we make a significant amount of money every year to have access to data for every real estate market out there. And so it gives me the opportunity to compare Jacksonville's market. With everything else out there. All that being said is guys, I have found some incredible stats specifically about our beloved Jacksonville that I want to share with you. And as a marketer, which I know you are, I love these stats. I want to be my I love the terms only the term only is one that's really, really important. Well, I'm here to share with you that Jacksonville is the only real estate market in the country that can claim these for below the median for the U. S. Price grow above the average for the U. S. Home price growth above the average for the U. S. and population growth above 2%. Those four things are the most important factors that you can have in a rental property decision. And Jacksonville is the only market in America that can claim that. Right there. Our home prices are 13 percent below the U. S. median. We are the fastest growing median income of any major Florida city. We have the fastest growing population of any major city in Florida. And the Jacksonville population has grown over five times faster than the population of the U. S. over the last five years. Clearly there's a reason why people love living here and more people want to come here. And what that means for you as a real estate investor is that you're in a position of strength.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah, this like tabulation of these stats is actually pretty fresh to us, right? Like, I think you showed me this or you mentioned it to me maybe like six weeks ago and I was like, what? So what now? let's put this out there, buddy. Because as somebody who moved here to Jacksonville five years ago from like a much more expensive city, Miami, I'm sure I'm going to mention it at some point here. The quality of life here is unbelievable and the rapid rate of growth here is very feelable, very prescient, I guess is the word. And it is shockingly inexpensive, right? Like the moment that I moved here, I was like, Oh my God, this is, I lived in Orange County, California, Huntington beach in my early twenties. I was like, this feels like. what I was living in 20, you know, 18, 20 years ago in Orange County, right? Like the demographics of the people, the beachside lifestyle, the weather. And what I really noticed when I was there in my early twenties is all these people got rich off of real estate in the last 10 years. You know, like, like that's where the wealth came from. It was largely blue collar folks that had built wealth off of real estate because it happened to own their home there. So. This idea of prices below, you know, these stats that we just went over, right? Like prices below the US average, inexpensive, good deal, right? Like home price appreciation and population growth, that are outliers are, you know, this and, and, and rent appreciation that's happening is risk mitigation, right? Like end upside that's baked into it. So I think from a high level that is, that is that, but then, you know, that's coming from us. There is an institution out there. That's called the ULI, right? It's called the Urban Land Institute. And in my previous career in construction and development, I used to pay a lot of attention to this. As I married to an architect who's an urban designer, she pays a lot of attention to this, because it's like the publication of the, the Institute. That really thinks deeply and gathers the data around like what makes great cities work, and they have this, this report that they do yearly where they rank the top 70 markets and they put them into these different categories at the top of the categories, which essentially is just like the most attractive, fastest growing cities. Are the magnets that you see and it goes all the way back down to like the backbone cities, right? Like the cities that America was built on that are kind of like not really growing anymore, but they're important And in these magnet cities, you put three categories called the super Sunbelt 18 hour cities And supernovas Super duper novas which is essentially these cities that are experiencing this Really phenomenal growth rate that has like a really bright future in front of it And there's five cities on that list which are Austin, Nashville, Boise, Raleigh Durham, and Jacksonville. And once this report came out, right? Like, I'm a, I'm a big, I'm a big believer in guilty by association. You're the average of the five people you hang around with. However you want to put it. Right. You know, think that when I think of Austin, Nashville, Boise, Raleigh and Boise, I think those are all super sexy cities that everybody's heard of. Maybe Boise is, has like crept in recently, but it's on the map, right? Like it's on the map as it's like tech centers and it's like thriving places and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And yet when you talk to people about Jacksonville, I don't think that that's what they think. And yet ULI does. That's

Gregg Cohen:

exactly right. It's like, which one of these is the other? I think most people are going to ask me if you're paying attention to this report. What a beautiful opportunity that is. Yes, sir. But you know, you think about Austin, Boise, Nashville, Raleigh, driving economic engines. They have a ton of population over the last decade. and just think about yourself as a real estate investor and let's take some, you know, give the ULI some credit here, right? They know what they're doing. They are helping to inform developer dollars, investor dollars. Those who want to place make in, in cities and, and change and bring their, companies to location. So, very influential. When they call something like a magnet city, or they call something like, Backbone or niche or establishment. Think about where do you want your money? What category do you want your money in? If you're like me, I want my money in magnet. Because magnet means that people are attracted to it. And when people are attracted to a city, that means more people are moving there. And as a rental property investor, that's population growth, which drives rental demand and housing demand. So just, just going on the names alone, we want to be in magnets, but if we could be in any of the magnets, we want to be in supernovas because supernovas are the ones that are, are the brightest, they are the ones that aren't 18 hour cities yet. They haven't reached that level of establishment. And so the upside of a supernova city, we want would be higher than some of your other super sunbelts and 18 hour cities. And then if you're thinking about where to invest in magnets and supernovas find the one that is the most under the radar of the supernovas. That's where Jacksonville lands. And that's one of the reasons we're so excited about it.

Pablo Gonzalez:

I want to get into this. question that you asked, which one of these cities is not like the other, right? Because I think therein lies the value of what you just said, right? Like, how do you find the undiscovered gem in a, in a room full of diamonds, right? We're in good company. How do we find the one with the biggest upside? How do we find the biggest upside? And before we go there, GC, I have to apologize. I messed up the audio setup to start right now, but now all the mics are on, everything is working well. So I just want, I would just want to ask the community, if you're here, let me know in the chat. Have you been able to hear Greg this whole time? I think you have, it's been coming from my computer and I've been kind of like fidgeting with papers on top of it, but now he's got his very own microphone and you're, you have a

Gregg Cohen:

voice. Incredible. Wow. Well, it's really nice to meet all

Pablo Gonzalez:

of you. It's really nice to meet all of you. So that being said, let's answer this question. Yeah. Oh, okay. Lee was saying we have, but it was making us lean in there. I wish that was on purpose, guy. much clearer now. Thank you, Michael. I appreciate the feedback. We listen, this is what makes our show so great is that it is a open conversation with our community and every once in a while, it is a very necessary feedback conversation of like what we're doing wrong here. So I appreciate you all chiming in GC comparison of supernova cities, Boise, Idaho, right? Like this is which one of these is not like the other Boise, Idaho, Austin, Texas, Raleigh, Durham, Nashville, Jacksonville is the, is the, is the group of supernovas that we are talking about, right? Median home prices for Boise is 491, 000 with a median income of 87, 000 and a population growth of 2. 6%. Median home price of Austin, Texas, 456, 000 with a median income of 98, 000, population growth of 2. 9%. Raleigh, Durham. median home price of 500, 000, median income of 92, 000, population growth of 2. 1%, Nashville, Tennessee, median home price of 488, 000, median income of 81, 000, population growth of 1. 6%, Jacksonville, Florida, median home price of 11, 000. 366, 000, median income of 81, 000, population growth of 2. 2%. Which one of these is not like the others?

Gregg Cohen:

Look at home prices right there. You can get into a supernova city for over 100, 000 less than going to these other more established supernova cities. So when we're asking which one of these is not like the other, that's a great thing on the pricing component. But I also included the median income and the population growth because I want to make sure that you feel like. And understand that you're not giving up something in order to get in at a lower price in terms of median income and population growth. We are just like the others Boise, Austin, Raleigh, Nashville, when it comes to median incomes and population growth. So, just by the numbers, a unique opportunity to get in. And what ULI is saying is this is not going to last or long because the demographics and the population growth that has already been happening for years and years and years and years would lead them to believe that Jacksonville will become more like Boise, Austin, Raleigh, Nashville in terms of median home sales prices.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah. When I think of which of these is not like the others, I think of any of these cities Anybody that knows anything about real estate would undeniably be like, Hey, if you invested in Nashville, Raleigh, Austin, or Boise 10 years ago, are you doing well? They'd be like, yeah, if you could get a time machine and go back 10 years. and invest in Nashville, Raleigh, Austin, or Boise, would you do it? Yes. Right.

Gregg Cohen:


Pablo Gonzalez:

10 years ago, that's where these, you know, like these prices are comparable nowadays in Jacksonville to those prices back then. And it's a super Nova city right now. And I think when you think of this idea of lower priced city, you naturally think of giving up salary potential. Right? Like my story reflects that. I'm, I left Miami looking for a lower priced city, looking for a higher quality of life for my money. And I was. In my head thinking that I was ready to give up on, you know, pay a tax, right? Like I would sacrifice some income potential and I would sacrifice, like my network and the people that I can that I knew in Miami and it just really hasn't been the case, right? Like I've. I'm an entrepreneur and I've been able to like prosper here, but I think when you think about my wife's journey, who is an architect is a W two employee. She was able to leave her job for a year and a half because lower, lower cost of living. And when she decided to re enter the labor market, she ran to the labor market, making 30 percent more than what she was making in Miami. An expensive city that's supposed to have higher wages. And we sit here five years later after having come to Miami and she's making more than twice what she was making in her W2 job. So that's just like a, a story to illustrate this idea that while it's not like the others in cost of living, It is like the others in median income, and therefore, the renters that you have there, the residents that are going to live in your home, and pay for that other profit center, Principal Paydown, that I know Keith loves to talk about. They're more than well equipped to do this, even as prices go up in the city.

Gregg Cohen:

A hundred percent, and, and your, your wife, Martha, is incredible talent, and she is done so well for herself, and the great thing is that she's not alone in Jacksonville. Jacksonville's median income has risen just about 25 percent in the last five years. That's almost double what the national rate of median income growth is. So, this is a place where you don't have to pay that tax, let's say, of coming to a better quality of life. You don't have to give up income potential. And many people don't realize that about Jacksonville. That our income is just the same as what Nashville is, right? Yeah, it's pretty good. But there is something that I wanted to take a deeper look and say, okay, well.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Well, first, before we move on to that, I think it's just important to drive the point home that like we are saying all these things because we're thinking like real estate investors, right? So, this idea that it is a growth market. It has a high median income that is comparable to other growth markets and expensive cities and also has a lower price point. Means that what we see is upside, right? Because it's a growth market. So we expect it to appreciate in comparison to these other growth markets that are, that are appreciating like crazy and everybody wants to get in. It has, uh, Risk mitigation, because we see high salaries being able to pay the high rents that, you know, the rents that will continue to increase, which increase our cashflow as real estate investors. And we see a good deal, right? Like, so if you're telling me, man, if I can get, if I can get upside, I can get risk mitigation. And I can get a price discount, like, that's what I like to buy. That's what I like to invest in for sure, right? So I just wanted to just kind of like frame that for everybody. Yeah.

Gregg Cohen:

And that's why JWB clients who have invested in Jacksonville over the last 18 years have generated over 300 million in profits.

Pablo Gonzalez:


Gregg Cohen:

average rate of return has been 22 percent year in and year out. That's, that's the net result of those three components that you just pointed out and make an investment in a market that has those dynamics.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Now this is, this is the really interesting piece, right? Like this is not just what do all these cities have in common, high prices that are higher than higher than Jacksonville, but there's another key thing indicator that ULI is very keen on. Um, it's why we're in these like supernova. Category and it's what you see

Gregg Cohen:

it is. The fact that Jacksonville is the only supernova city that does not have a revitalized downtown yet. Part of the big reason why those other four supernova cities became supernova cities is that their downtowns came online, became revitalized, and that became a huge economic driver. And that has had a big impact and why their home prices have gone up. Yeah. So much, especially over the last 10 years. But Jacksonville is the only one that doesn't have it yet. But that's about to change. We'll tell you a little bit more about that. So here it is by the data though. I like to connect the dots on why certain things happen and how you can benefit as a single family rental property investor. And guys, if you can hitch your wagon to a downtown that is about to be revitalized, it is the best path of progress you can be a part of. Many people say, Oh, you know what? I want to buy a single family house next to a shopping center that's about to go up or maybe a great grocery store or maybe a great school. Guys, I'm here to tell you all of those don't mean nearly as much. I don't know how many times it's more important it is to find a revitalized downtown, but it, it makes those other ones seem like small potatoes when you can hit your wagon to a downtown that's about to come online. And the reason is Sure, there's upside, which we're going to talk about in just a second, but it's a beautiful balance of upside with risk mitigation. Because when a downtown prospers, it creates this economic engine, this flywheel. More people want to move downtown. More bars and restaurants and amenities come downtown to serve those people that are moving downtown. And then rents go up. And more employers come in. And more jobs move downtown. And more developers see opportunities to develop more properties. And it creates this economic flywheel. Well, when you invest in single family rental properties surrounding that downtown, you get the best of all worlds, because you get the indirect benefit of home prices going up substantially higher, but you didn't have to take all the risk. Because if you want to buy one of those downtown buildings and actually invest in downtown, it takes a lot of money. Cash ish. And it's a lot of risk. And it's only available to accredited investors most of the time. But as a single family rental property investor around, it's you, it's me, it's everyday investors. And we get the indirect benefit of the upside of the revitalized downtown. But what are we investing in? We're investing in assets that pay for themselves every single month. Beautiful, single family rental properties in workforce housing neighborhoods that produce positive cash flow. So this is the hidden gem that we evangelize within our community here for many years now that most people don't see. And downtown Jacksonville is on the cusp. But I do want to share with you, if you look at the data, revitalized downtown cities have appreciated 23 percent more than the U. S. overall since 2012. That's looking at some of these very well known cities like Austin, Nashville, Tampa, Denver, some of these other supernova

Pablo Gonzalez:

cities and two other cities that are also on the magnet list that are already 18 hour downtown.

Gregg Cohen:


Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah. Correct. And you know, Greg has put together all this data. He's the data nerd. I'm the storyteller here. So we have this like studies on Austin studies on Nashville, right? The other two supernova cities, you want this stuff text that number nine Oh three, nine Oh four, two nine, three. 0341. Be the most interesting person at your next cocktail party. and get these statistics, right? My, my lived experience, right? Like I'm, I'm not stats guy. I'm the, I'm the story guy, right? So my lived experience, you may or may not have heard. I was, I'm from Miami and I lived this. Right? Like I, I lived this like renaissance of Miami coming online. I remember being, if you watch the bad boys movie series, right? Like if you watch bad boys, one, there's three skyscrapers. You watch bad boys too. There's like 12. You better watch bad boys. Three. There's like 40. You watch this latest bad boys. It looks like Manhattan. And I remember living in Miami. Looking around an empty downtown that was dead and people telling me this is going to be the most dense urban area south of Manhattan in the United States. I mean, sure, buddy, right? And and consequently, what's happened in Miami is prices have gone cuckoo bananas, right? Like and and in Miami, this like workforce housing sector has become like the most, you know, sought after highly demanded, low supply thing that has happened. And, you know, I've seen this, right? Like, this is why for me, seeing what's happening in Jacksonville has allowed me to like push has, has, has been the signal that I've used to like, guide the decisions for me and my family, like push our chips into it, right? Like the belief in this thing. Cause I believe it, I see it, but for those of you that don't get to see this and believe it, there is some really, really significant numbers, right? Like as we know, right. This this you alive folks do these studies and and it's been down to a science of like what makes a downtown tip and the the punchline of the story here is that once there's 10, 000 residents living in an urban core, it tips and by it tips. I mean that. A functioning downtown needs mixed use development. It needs storefronts on the bottom and residents on the top, right? If you think of any downtown that you've been to that works from New York to Greenville, South Carolina, which is a, which is a small city with a really well functioning downtown, it's this mixed use stuff that happens. And when developers are building in the city, what they're looking for is these 10, 000 residents, because to get the project done, they're They need to go find what's called an anchor tenant who is going to be the grocery store downstairs that will that will mostly float the bill for you so that everybody else can like come in and like pay for the condos above it. And before 10, 000 residents, they're not as interested. So cities have to create these incentive packages for developers to like invest in this stuff. After the 10, 000 happens, now Whole Foods is like, heck yeah. Yeah, now Safeway's like, oh yeah, I'm in. Got me in for, give me two, right? So like, that is, that is the key number. And what's happening in downtown Jacksonville is that forever, I didn't get to live this because I wasn't here before this, but like, it seems like, forever. It was like 3, 000 residents downtown and it wasn't really moving. And from like 2017 till now, that number has continued to increase and increase and increase until the point where right now we've gone from just 4, 800 residents in 2017 to, we're crossing that 10, 000 resident downtown threshold as we speak. Right. Right. And that is, You know, in no small part because of amazing developers that are see the long term future in the city. And you're one of those, right? Like you guys have bought these like 20 city blocks. You believe in this vision. You know that if downtown works to a certain way, then all your investors that own these properties around them is going to help. And that has helped us get us over that hump of this number.

Gregg Cohen:

A hundred percent. I mean, this data is here and it's been proven if you look at these other successful downtown. So if we understand that. Hitching your wagon to a revitalizing downtown is the best path of progress, the best risk adjusted return that you can make as a single family rental property investor, if we understand that. And then we want to know, okay, how do we identify those next revitalized downtowns? Well, it comes down to population growth in that downtown and that 10, 000 resident threshold is so important. And the next thing to look at is the dollars. How many dollars are actually being used for construction at this moment? And when you start to see those two things trending very, very high and very, very positive, that's your indicator to say, okay, you know what, something special is happening in that town town. How do I build my army of income producing single family rental properties right around that?

Pablo Gonzalez:


Gregg Cohen:

that's how you can put yourself ahead financially. That's how you can create a better retirement account. That's how you can send your kids to college. That's how you can get rich slowly here, which is I know what our get rich education subscribes to as Keith and I both do. So here's the the dollars then. And this is mind blowing. Most people would never know. I'm in Jacksonville all the time evangelizing Jacksonville. And I have never. Seeing the look on somebody's face when I tell them this stat and they and here in Jacksonville, I've never heard them say, Oh yeah, I knew that. Here's, here's a stat that'll blow your mind. We have four billion dollars of active construction going on in sleepy old under the radar Jacksonville.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah, this isn't, This isn't renderings. These are not plans. This is like dirt being moved, cranes in the sky, excavators, and steel and concrete going up

Gregg Cohen:

and glass, right? 100%. And JWB is 20 million of that right there. As we've been renovating these long, these longstanding, vacant, historic, beautiful buildings, which are beautiful now, and turning them into mixed use. I was just downtown yesterday touring our new office, which we'll be moving into in the near future. Call it next year sometime or around there. But the big thing here is as we move our 130 or some odd folks into that building, what do you think's downtown downstairs?

Pablo Gonzalez:

Grocery stores coffee shops, bookstores.

Gregg Cohen:

Working on the coffee shop. I'll tell you, it's a beautiful high end restaurant. Oh,

Pablo Gonzalez:

that's nice. We haven't

Gregg Cohen:

been able to announce the name yet, but the lease is signed and it is going to be spectacular. So you're starting to see this work. And we're not the only ones. Of course, there is a ton of bigger developers than JWB, but there is this force that is happening in downtown Jacksonville, and I want to show you all the numbers behind it so that you can make wise decisions to get on the train, because this is the best representation of of risk adjusted returns you can have in single family rental properties.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah. And I kind of, I kind of rushed through these slides a little bit because these are just other comparisons of where Jacksonville and Austin were comparing, comparing to downtown, you know, 13 years ago, right? Like this idea that these cities, downtowns have come online and it is a big part of their growth. Jacksonville is already rated as a supernova city. You can text to get these, right? I don't, I don't think it's particularly like. Compelling long form conversation, but you can text to get these numbers and be interested in those stats, right? But the idea that they've seen they've become supernova cities already. This growth is behind them There's they're considered supernova cities. This growth is ahead of us and we're considered a supernova city, right? So like that's there it reminds me of lee bishop rmvp of the community His question saying the great slide is missing a stat. I think maybe you should include how long have these You Others being a supernova and are they static or growing or falling? We know that Jax is growing and becoming better. Lee, I I would say that, you know, the supernovas are all growing. That's why they're called supernovas. The, the i, the, the, the missing information here. And what you're saying is that there's the other magnet cities are already 18 hour cities and Super Sunbelt, right? Like Yeah. And they're already. They're already at like a specific price point that has, you know, beyond all this stuff. But ULI has deemed the supernovas, the ones with the most growth ahead of them these five cities.

Gregg Cohen:

Yeah. And I, so I, I know that's, that's why ULI put us on, on here as, as a supernova, but I think he brings up a really great point. It'd be cool to see the movement. Of these cities and what they have been deemed year over year. So I think that would be pretty cool. So we'll, we'll look that up for sure. And it's something that they produce this report yearly. So I bet I can go back and see, you know, when did Denver go from supernova to 18 hour city, or did it go from supernova to 18 hour city? So it's really great, really great idea. And we'll get that information for you.

Pablo Gonzalez:

That's why they call him the MVP folks. He's got great ideas. He contributes to the community. So here's the question, right? We know this about Jacksonville. It feels like a super hot market, right? Like, is it time to invest in this thing or not? What do you say, Juicy?

Gregg Cohen:

Well, as you can probably tell, the answer is yes, this is the time to invest. There are a number of very important what I would call urgent, time sensitive things that are happening in our economy right now, and in real estate specifically, that if we can understand what's happening, we can put ourselves in a position to take advantage of it financially and set ourselves up for years and years down the road by the decisions that we make today. As we've shared with you today, if you look at where Jacksonville is positioned to these other supernova cities, it's easy to see that there are lower home prices today than there will likely be tomorrow. So if we talk about this idea of getting a deal, right, and we see what a supernova city looks like and where hundreds of thousands of dollars below in pricing those other supernova cities, you can see that. But that's not the only reason that purchase prices today are lower. What we also have happening right now is interest rates are coming down. And when interest rates go down, asset values go up. When interest rates go down, asset values go up. What that means is that home prices go up. There's a lot of data to back that up to. I hope you'll continue to join us on our show where we share that data routinely. But you have got two big things happening right now, specifically in the Jacksonville market, where it's likely that prices will go up in the future. From a JWB perspective, this is, there is not a better time to buy in terms of your ability to get positive cashflow day one. When JWB clients purchase homes with us, the homes are already rented. They're positively cash flowing and they have long term leases signed by my team. Everything's vertically integrated, sort of handed to you on a silver platter. And then interest rates as we were talking about, this might blow your mind to JWB clients. I recently been closing at an interest rate of. 4. 95%.

Pablo Gonzalez:


Gregg Cohen:

In the fours again. So these are rates that are possible because of our relationships with our lender base. You're not going to find 4. 95 percent out there when you go and talk to somebody else, but overall rates have come down. And then because of the advantage of working within the JWB network, our clients are able to get incredibly low interest rates and only a 25 percent down payment, which limits the out of pocket. At the same time, we're continuing to honor some incentives that we started to honor when interest rates were higher than we all wanted and we haven't pulled them back yet. So we are honoring the incentive of covering maintenance costs. So we cover between four to 6, 000 of maintenance costs per property that clients purchase now. And of course this is tied to as interest rates become lower. What you're going to see is that incentive specifically will go away at some point in the not too distant future. So investing right now in Jacksonville with JWB is a fantastic idea. And I hope you all take us up on it. The best thing to do, if you're interested is just text Tiara. You can text that number again, 904 293 0341. You can let her know that you'd like to jump on the phone with us. If you have any questions, if you'd like these slides, all of those things, she's right on the other end. You'll have a nice two way text conversation. You can also email us at info at JWB companies, but I can't, I can't stress the urgency more than right here. Right now is a good time.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Great question by Michael Phillips. Are they 1031 friendly?

Gregg Cohen:

Oh, I love that question, Michael. Yes, absolutely. Couldn't be more 1031 exchange friendly, to be quite honest. When you work with a vertically integrated provider, they're going to have inventory that is already built. and rented and ready for you because as a 1031 client, you have specific timelines that you need to hit. You have 45 days to identify a property. You have 180 days to close on the property. It's really hard to hit those timelines if you're just going through it the normal way. Working with a vertically integrated provider like JWB, we have this inventory already rented. And it'd be as simple as you jumping on the phone or shooting Tiara a text, jumping on the phone. And within a few phone calls, we have those properties identified and you're on the way to closing to make sure you can take advantage of the tax savings that you'll be getting with your 1031 exchange.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Such a good question by Michael, right? Because Michael, I, you know, I, I get a sense that you're in the GRE community and, and this is your first time here. You probably don't know that five years ago, I knew nothing about realist. I didn't know what a 1031 was. I probably, I probably don't know what a 1031 was maybe like three years forward that I can actually explain it. And being such a novice, what I've, what I've, I get to see it differently. Right. And like what I, what I realized with the 1031 exchange, Is and and and getting to know so many members of our community that are also real estate investors and speaking at real estate investing events now and and and being one myself is is this idea that, you know, the 1031 for people that are for people that have a portfolio of properties. Sometimes. they have like the one headache property, right? Like maybe you bought it in the wrong market or you have the wrong property, the teammate, right? Like you made the mistakes that everybody makes. It's, it's totally normal. And the opportunity for a 10 31 to like, take one of these, like things that are headaches and upgrade to a better market, a better team and a better property experience is very, very real. But right now, as we all know there's been very low inventory In real estate, it's been very hard to like, find a property. And for the 1030 want to work, you need to have this, you know, a certain amount of time that you have to have properties identified and a certain amount of time that you can close on it. So it creates this like risk of like, man, what if I, You know, sell this property and I can't do this now. I'm stuck with the tax bill and I don't know what I'm going to do with this money. This idea of having a vertically integrated provider like Greg describes, which what he means by that is that JWB right now owns. properties that are already rented, that are already cashflow positive, that are available to investors that already have a team that's going to manage it. And they own more than one of those that you can pick, right? So like if that we've had these conversations with past members of community, if a deal comes through, you have a backup property and another backup property after that, which is crucial to getting that done. So it is really the ultimate solution for a 1031.

Gregg Cohen:

And we should just talk. I mean, we, have 10, 20 homes available. At all times for clients and we have over a thousand lots that we haven't even built out yet. And we probably have 400 homes in the process of being built right now. So it is a well oiled machine to serve a 1031 client more than most because it's very common when folks. Even if they do identify a property, if they want it to be new construction, let's say, let's say that they identified that property, the construction is supposed to be done this month, but guess what? It goes three months over and you can't close on your 1031 like you want it to, but you don't have to worry about that with a vertically integrated company who has such a root, such roots in one market. Like, like we do here in Jacksonville.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah. So great question, Michael. He's new here, also. So man, you're so welcome here, right? Like this is a, absolutely a community that welcomes newbies. I think Michael Sartorius, great name, Michael says we're all here to help you if you need, right? So like you can reach out to anybody in that chat and they'll give you their number, I'm sure. And you can have a private conversation that, you know, it doesn't have to be with us or text Tierra. Yeah. She can help you as well. 904 293 0341. So GC, to summarize everything, you know, I have kind of like a couple points to summarize here of like, what the, the main ahas are. The main ahas here are, there is like the most prestigious city, like, it, it, City Research Institute that we know of has deemed these five cities supernovas that they're all going to, they're all going to do really, really well in the future. It's people investing there. They're saying we'll experience a lot of upside out of those five cities. There is one that has a much lower price and dislike. Baked in upside. That is kind of like the insider information that we're privy to. That is this downtown piece. We are also in a time when the market in general is very friendly to all real estate going up. Right. So there's this like, Institutional thing knowledge. This is like insider stat of downtown's that that we've discovered. There's the fact that interest rates have gone down markets going up and it's in a place where you have a vertically integrated provider. That's like best case scenario. of a company that's going to make this like totally passive and totally easy for you and everything. I would say the only question that you haven't answered for me is like, what's it look like? what do one of these properties look like? Let's get into the deal GC. There you go.

Gregg Cohen:

Yeah. It's great to just have a little bit, a little bit more tangible. Let's talk about it. So, you know, new construction inventory makes up about 70, 80 percent of the inventory that we serve our clients with. So here's an, a nice picture of a home. Your purchase price here of 225, 000. Very normal. So while we were showing the median income of Jacksonville at 366, I believe, is what the slide was. and the call it the average supernova city was probably 450 to 475. You actually have the opportunity to invest in workforce housing neighborhoods in Jacksonville, where your purchase prices are going to be significantly lower than 366, right? Here's a great example, 225 for this currently available home. And just to set the right expectations, your purchase prices are going to be somewhere around maybe 200, 000 to maybe 280, 000 on the very high end. But what we're going to ask you to do is to, to break some of the kind of the, the things that hold normal real estate investors back, break some of the emotional attachment of maybe putting yourself as the one who's living in the home. Think of this as a widget. We think about what is made. Lee and Michael and a number of our folks here in the chat, very, very successful. You know, they're not super emotional about how that house looks. They're not super emotional about, you know, things that may go really, all right, really well in the property or when things go wrong, right? They're kind of even keeled. And the reason is because the home is a widget in terms of an investment. Now, on the other hand, there is a renter that is living in that home. And my team is dedicated to making sure that renter has an incredible experience. But for you as investor, it is okay to think about this as a widget and to lose some of that emotional attachment. And that's really critical because you're going to be holding on to this investment for a very long time. And what that allows you to do is to look at this like a financial instrument. And so my team would sit down with you and we'd be able to walk through these numbers that you see your portfolio investment summary, which is going to show you in essence, listen, you came with this amount of money. Here's what it's going to grow to. And here is how long it's going to take. We're also going to show you how's that broken down? How's that going to work between the different profit centers? And what you'll find is that the largest contributor to your wealth is actually from home price appreciation, which goes way back to what Pablo was saying early on about how important it is to identify the right market. We talk and we show this over and over and over again in the show. So I hope you continue to join us, but 60 to 80 percent of your overall wealth, once you own this asset for a full market cycle, you're going to look back and you're going to 60 to 80 percent came from home price appreciation. So we've got net rental income, tax savings, principal, pay down home price appreciation. Inflation hedging, inflation profiting, all very important things, but the market and home price appreciation is going to be your biggest contributor.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Yeah. And you know, this, this graphic here, which you can get by texting Tiara and getting this whole presentation, right? We do this all the time on the show. We break down these multiple portfolios and we see it. And I have this smile on my face because I remember, I think the first time we talked to five profit centers on this show, like four and a half years ago. was when Keith Weinhold came. He's kind of the guy. Yeah, I remember, I remember Doug Orr being like, Oh, I love how Keith breaks down Five Profit Center, right? Like, I feel like he's kind of the guy that put that concept on the map. So I assume that his community knows all about this. We've done a step further and we break down multiple portfolios that way. And when you look at it in this pie chart, We call it the Pac Man principle, right? Because this 60 to 80 percent of, you know, the pie being home price appreciation. When you look, when you break them down in a, in a, in a pie chart, it always looks like the Pac Man and everything else looks like the mouth, right? So, you know, we get Greg's got tons of these, right. To, to, and the team and Tiara has tons to show you. of like different portfolios from different times in different ways, whether they invested in cash, whether they invested with financing, whether they invested in their retirement account, which is something else that you can do. You know, it always looks like a Pac Man when you look at what, like, where the wealth pie comes from. Right. So really, really important concept. If you join us on Tuesdays or listen to the podcast or watch it on YouTube, you're going to hear the Pac Man principle all the time. But I love how you broke that down, GC. And Here we are, right? Like this is what the investment looks like. based on where we're at in the market right now and the price point of these homes and being able to put down 25 percent and get positive cashflow, you're able to do it now in the, like a minimum investment of 50 to 75 K. It literally was 75 to a hundred K before interest rates dropped. That's exactly right. Which is another good deal. this IRR of 10 to 11%, which is, um, just, man, I think if you talk to If you talk to savvy investors and you're like, man, can I get a super risk mitigated 10 percent on my money? They're going to say all day, every day, son. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, and you know, interest rate, these interest rates being at 4. 95 percent right now is, is really a great deal. But I love the idea of man, this growing downtown, this idea, the way you broke down, right? Like if there's a growing downtown, everybody thinks, how can I invest in the downtown? But that's the billionaires game. Yeah, you know, and there is 4 billion being invested in downtown, but by investing in these workforce, housing, single family homes around it. that live around there. You essentially get to invest alongside with billionaires in a supernova city that has been certified by like the institution with some insider info that you just got on this show. And that to me is just like, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, all the pleasure centers of the brand. And

Gregg Cohen:

there you go. That is the strategy that JWB employs. It has been proven now over 18 years. We have a ton of success stories and we'd love for you all to be one of those success stories as well.

Pablo Gonzalez:

And if you want to hang out with us some more, like we said, we do this every Tuesday at 1230. if you, if you like GC's, uh, hair and you like my stories that come on by and hang out with us our communities here, they show up with us. It's, I gotta say to the community, like, They've heard this exact talk track at least three times and they still show up on Thursdays because they care so much about this like mission of retirement doesn't need to be so difficult and it gets a lot easier if you figure out the real estate game and the best way to figure out the real estate game is to surround yourself with great people and a great team that can do this for you. And the fact that, you know, you all show up here and you give People, your number, Lee and Michael giving the other Michael, their number and stuff like that. You don't have to do this, man. So I just really want to thank. Thank the I think there's probably about like nine of nine folks from our community and about three folks from get rich education and just just really, really appreciate the time that you take toe to show up every Tuesday for the stuff that we do. But even more for these like Thursday kind of like. Intro new people to our community and welcome them in and be that be that warm hug that Leah's famous for and somehow he's able to do it via webinar chat.

Gregg Cohen:

I'm so glad you brought it up I've been sitting here smiling the entire time waiting to say Thank you to to you all to to the to the not your average investor community continues to show up You know, it's about educating yourself If you haven't taken the leap of faith and invested in single family rental properties yet, there's there's an education component But it's not enough you need community You need to be surrounded by people that have been there before and are willing to put their hand out, give you their phone number just because they care given their time to be here to support you, to support us. So couldn't thank you all enough. Thank you guys.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Speaking of the community, we've got a couple, a couple notes here from them, right? Michael Santoro saying, having been invested in real estate since 1989, if you plan on investing in real estate, it is critical to choose the right property management company. We started with our first three Jacksonville properties in 2016. Last month, we picked up our 13th property, all managed by JWP. Let's go.

Gregg Cohen:

Man, that is, that is incredible. Michael, I was just revisiting when you came down for the Not Trapped Investor Summit. And you graciously gave us some of your time to share your success story and a testimonial. And I was just looking at it the other day and just, just so thankful for our relationship. It goes so much beyond just, you know, producing a return on investment, truly a friendship there and, and just so thankful that we've been able to serve your family.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Charity Graham, who's also charitable with her time here by showing up on, on these webinars. She's saying, For novices like me, it's so valuable to hear from different angles over and over. It deepens desire to do it.

Gregg Cohen:

Love it. Charity. Love it. Charity. We're going to be here every step of the way with the charity. Yeah. When it, when the time is right, you're going to be right there with Michael.

Pablo Gonzalez:

That's right. Try to make it frictionless. Right? There you go. Love it. And Gerard Wendling saying always have a new golden nugget. So we, we strive for that, right? Like we hope to deliver extra value in these things and, and reward you for showing up. that being said, if you want to keep showing up this Tuesday, we're doing a really interesting show. It's called. Yeah. The death of the landlord or like why the landlord is an endangered species. This idea. And real estate investing is so great for everybody that invest in it and the companies that are operating in the space and it's a growing space, but it needs to be great for the resident in order to work for you. So this thinking of being a landlord. Needs to go out the window, right? Like you gotta, you gotta treat your residents like residents. They get their partners in this equation. And we just really believe in this, in this notion of like bettering the life of the person that's paying down your, your, your principal and your mortgage is in your best interest. And we don't just believe in bettering their life, but we really believe in like taking them from being renters to being homeowners. A hundred percent. And we're really going to talk about that on Tuesday. I think it's going to be a fun conversation.

Gregg Cohen:

You know, it's hard for people to make a decent return on investment. Yeah. But some people, even if they can, they have to make that trade of like, you know what, I'm going to make money, but I feel like somebody's losing on the other end. And it doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes people feel that in real estate, right? It doesn't have to be that way. You can work in an environment, make a great return on investment. And watch your resident prosper. So we're going to be talking a lot about that on Tuesday. I am super excited for you all to be there. We are going to share an incredible announcement on the show on Tuesday. And it's going to be, we're going to share it with you all first. There's actually a press conference that we're hosting in Jacksonville I can't say exactly who's going to be there yet. Cause I I'm not allowed to say that yet, but many important people will be at the press conference where we're going to announce it with our entire community here in Jacksonville, but we're going to give a sneak peek for all of you for the Not Your Average Investor show next Tuesday. So it's going to be incredible. One of the most important and proud moments that I've had, as JWB, we're going to share on Tuesday.

Pablo Gonzalez:

Big teaser there. Geez. Didn't say that on Tuesday about it. Big teaser coming out, breaking news. Oh boy. I can't wait to hear this announcement. We hope to see you on Tuesday. We hope that, you know, Michael Phillips, anybody else that's new here, you know, you're here, make yourself comfortable, hang out with us, show up on Tuesdays or download the podcast or watch it on YouTube. Right. But like the center of the nucleus where you meet everybody else is here. And let me go. Bill Shields is checking in over here in the chat. Buenas tardes bill. That being said, from now till Tuesday, if we don't see ya, any pieces of advice you see? Don't be average. Alright, see ya. See